Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday - Hard at Work

Matt Vincent and I arrived in Pearlington around 3pm today and I enjoyed showing Matt around. It was nice to see the new building that has taken place in the past year since we were last here. I'm sitting at the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance camp, getting the low down of what work has taken place already in the short time that our crew has been here. Saturday, Bob Scott, Garry Miller, Bill Bradbury, Ingo Nolte, Steve Kiss, and Susie Wilson helped Miss Susan and her invalid husband by rebuilding a tool shed. They finished the roof, hung the front doors, and added a ramp.
Sunday morning was a time of uplifting and Spirit-filled worship at the Baptist church that provides home-cooked lunches during the week for every Pearlington volunteer. The service was a chance to reconnect with brothers and sisters in Christ that the crew met last year and to remember why we are here in the first place. With an ounce of bitterness, I hear of the 3 who spent the rest of Sunday in New Orleans while the others set out planning for the week's work!!
The dinner bell is ringing and I'm hungry since our lunch at Denny's. I'll write more this evening! Thank you for keeping us in your prayers!

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